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PFRS Philosophy and Methodology:
Explore the issues and interpretive methods behind the PFRS unique approach to orthodoxy.
We strongly suggest that you begin here. Our approach to discovering truth is different
from Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Reformed, and Evangelical approaches. This is
reflected in our treatment of all areas of theology.
Baptism: Our position on baptism
is not a popular one among modern Evangelical Christians. We formerly
held the typical "Baptist" position. But, after lengthy research, and
consistently applying the principles stated in the methodology section,
we were forced to abandon the "Baptist" view in favor of the view
of the earliest Church Fathers. Learn why we now believe that immersion
was instituted as the universal mechanism for obeying the Gospel. The
"new birth" takes place when someone believes the Gospel, repents of
his sins, and submits to water baptism.
Calvinism - Reformed Theology: The
Reformation overturned many of the Latin Church's excesses accumulated
over a thousand years of papal dominance. But,
unfortunately it substituted the fourth century philosophical ideas of
St. Augustine, a former Gnostic. Augustine's approach
was revolutionary compared to the Christian apologists before
him, Justin, Irenaeus, Tertullian, and Hippolytus. They argued, not only
from Scripture, but also from the unanimous oral traditions of the Apostles
deposited in and preserved by the local Apostolic churches — the
agreement of universal orthodoxy. Augustine was a philosopher, caring
little for preserved orthodox tradition. His approach was to interpret
Scripture in light of his paradigm of Neo-Platonic thought. This
drastic shift in Christian apologetics, from defending preserved orthodoxy to
legitimizing Christian philosophical speculations, eventually led to what is today
called, "Calvinism."
Chiliasm - The Kingdom of God:
The nature of the Kingdom of God and the eternal destiny of the redeemed are much
disputed topics today. We believe that one of the most promising
movements today in this field is the drastic revision of
dispensationalism called "Progressive Dispensationalism." This system
is very close to what used to be called, "Historic
Premillennialism," and what the early Christians called "Chiliasm"
(kill'-E-az-um), from the Greek word for "Millennium." This
section contains a debate, Traditional Dispensationalism vs.
Progressive Dispensationalism (Chiliasm), Dr. Mal Couch (Tyndale Theological
Seminary) vs. Tim Warner (PFRS). We believe this area of theology is foundational
to understanding the whole plan of God.
Eschatology -
Posttribulationism was the view of the tribulation and second coming held unanimously by the early Church. This is
the Bible prophecy website of PFRS founder, pastor Tim Warner.
Eternal Security - Once Saved Always Saved:
The idea that a Christian can never be lost no matter what he does is a fairly recent teaching in
Christian history. It grew out of Calvinism. Yet, it is held today by many who
reject Calvinism. Learn what the Bible teaches about the believer's security,
and why Christians knew nothing of "once saved always saved" for
the first 1500 years of Christian history.
While the Apostle John was still alive, pagan philosophy dressed in Christian jargon drew many
away from the Apostolic Faith. As Paul warned the Ephesian elders in Acts 20, some rose up, even
from among Christian elders, to draw away disciples after themselves. These men introduced heretical systems
built upon a blend of paganism and Christianity. While Gnosticism was eventually defeated by early Christian
apoligists, its influence has shaped the evolution of Christian theology even down to our time. Understanding
Gnosticism asists us in detecting its remnants in modern theology and our own thinking.
Marriage & Gender Roles:
This section deals with the roles of men and women in marriage and in the
local church. We believe true happiness and fulfillment come only when
we ebrace our God ordained roles. The roles for the genders were firmly
established by God at the time of creation, and have not changed.
Messianic, Hebrew, and Sabbath Issues:
This section contains articles dealing with
the modern Hebrew Roots & Messianic movements and Seventh Day
Adventists, particularly
issues relating to the Law of Moses and how it relates to Christians.
Oneness Pentecostal Issues:
This category contains articles dealing with the
Trinity, the baptismal formula, and the purpose of speaking in tongues
— issues in dispute
between Oneness Pentecostals and Evangelical Christians. You will also
find critical information on these topics from the Early Christian
writings, exploding the myth that Trinitarianism and use of the Trinitarian
formula in Christian baptism were Roman Catholic innovations.
A very destructive system of interpreting prophecy. Preterism is much
more than just another eschatology. It has far reaching implications in
nearly every area of theology, including the nature of the atonement,
the person of Christ, the Gospel, and denial of the resurrection of the
body. Preterism is a subtle form of dualism, and holds much in common with
early Gnostic heresies.
PFRS believes this false system should be classified as "heresy"
because it denies fundamental doctrines of the Christian Faith, and views
Scripture from a Greek Platonic paradigm rather than a Jewish - Christian one.
This section contains a debate, Preterism vs. Futurism, Samuel Frost vs. Tim